KCM relaunches Nkana refinery operations

By John Chola 

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has officially relaunched operations at its Nkana Refinery Business Unit following the recent reopening of the Nampundwe Mine.

KCM Chief Operating Officer Malcolm Mewett, who led the relaunch ceremony, highlighted the significance of the Nkana Refinery’s comeback, emphasizing production and the critical importance of safety in the workplace. 

“We are determined to raise production, but one important thing that has been ringing in my mind is the safety of us all,” Mewett remarked. “Our lives and those of others matter the most.”

Mewett’s address echoed a company-wide push to uphold stringent safety standards as the unit restarts operations. He urged employees to never compromise their health or well-being while on duty, calling on them to refuse tasks that posed a potential safety risk. 

“If your work area or task is not safe, please inform your supervisors and immediately vacate the area until it is made safe. At KCM, it is safety first, production comes second,” he stated.

The Nkana Refinery is the second KCM business unit to resume operations after the Nampundwe Mine reopened earlier this month. 

Mewett noted that the reopening would bring about robust changes in production, with streamlined activities to keep employees engaged while meeting the company’s targets. 

He assured staff that this would be a significant step towards reclaiming KCM’s position as Zambia’s top copper producer.

Nkana Refinery Manager Raymond Cheeba expressed his gratitude to KCM management for their unwavering support, which he said had kept the team focused and ready for the full restart. 

He acknowledged the importance of teamwork and the collective commitment of the employees during the period of limited operations.

Representing the mineworkers, the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) Nkana Refinery Branch Chairperson Malimawa Chibwe praised the collaboration between the Zambian Government and Vedanta Resources, KCM’s parent company. 

Chibwe highlighted the renewed certainty of the mine’s future following its handover back to Vedanta Resources. 

“With the restart of operations in all KCM business units, communities around the mine will greatly benefit through corporate social responsibility programmes,” he said.

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