FREE Press Initiative (FPI) and Kalemba has called on local artists and digital activists in the country to use their influence to fight climate change.

FPI founder Joan Chirwa has noted with concern that climate change has continued to be a great threat to nature and biodiversity.

In her welcoming remarks at the Voice for Just Climate Action Champion’s (VCA) workshop which is being co-hosted by FPI- Zambia and Kalemba, Chirwa stated that artists and digital activists have a huge role to play in fighting climate change.

She said climate change has a significant influence on the environment and has an overwhelming impact on human life as well as rights in the struggle against rising temperatures and in the fight against global warming.

Chirwa noted that as a result of this, the most vulnerable people are the ones who suffer the most.

“Those already living in poverty are significantly more vulnerable to climatic shocks due to their living conditions, uncertain livelihoods, and lack of access to resources to adapt and build resilience,” she said.

Chirwa said it is for this reason that her organization partnered with Kalemba and other Civil Society Organizations such as HIVOS among others to hold this workshop in order build and strengthen capacity in artists and social media influencers on climate change issues and how best they would use their fan base to transform communities.

And speaking at the same event, Hivos country engagement manager William Chilufya, emphasized the need to come up with locally found solutions in fighting climate change in the country.

Chilufya explained that these local solutions in fighting climate change have to be co-created with other Civil Society Organizations as well as communities.

The two days workshop has brought together 10 young people from 10 districts in the country who include singers Mwiza Zulu, Emily Hakoola, comedian Ndine Emma and poet Vanessa Chisakula among others.

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