The Zambia Defense and Security Service Chiefs have pledged to contribute to the country’s food basket through the expansion of agriculture and aquaculture businesses.

Zambia Correctional Service Commissioner General, FREDRICK CHILUKUTU says the Service will venture into all farming sectors.

Mr CHILUKUTU said this during tour of Chanyanya fish ponds and wheat fields by the Service Chiefs from the Army, Air Force and Police with the view of replicating the projects.

And, ZNS Commander Lieutenant General MALITI SOLOCHI said the fish project which started in January, 2022 has six ponds ready for harvest while more ponds were currently under construction.

And ZAF Commander Lieutenant General COLLIN BARRY said Defence wings have been urged to engage in various economic activities in order to change the narrative that they are just spending agencies.

And Inspector General of Police LEMMY KAJOBA said Police will set up a police post in Chanyanya area to enhance security for the farm and surround areas.

And, Zambia Army Representative Brigadier General PETER SINKALA said the Army had also started developing some farms and would endeavor to replicate some of the best practices shared at Chanyanya to expand their projects.

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