Dialogue on mine policy reforms underway – Government

By Derrick Silimina

The Government has reaffirmed its commitment to open dialogue and extensive engagements with all stakeholders affected by various policy reforms and decisions.

Recently, the mining industry technical working group under the Public Private Partnership Dialogue Forum, held a consultative meeting on the draft Minerals Regulation Commission Bill with a view to resolving outstanding matters.

During the meeting all the issues that were raised were resolved, with the exception of clause 15 of the Bill. The meeting resolved to revise clause 15, based on proposed amendments from the Zambia Chamber of Mines to be submitted to the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development.

“I am excited that this matter, once resolved, opens great opportunities for the economic transformation of the country,” Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development Permanent Secretary Hapenga Kabeta said during a joint statement with the Zambia Chamber of Mine.

The Zambia Chamber of Mines recently expressed concern on mining policy proposals and in the spirit of continued dialogue, a meeting was convened between Government and the Chamber of Mines to reach an amicable settlement on the construct of clause 15 of the draft Bill.

The Chamber of Mines has since committed to engaging with the Government in finding solutions on policy and regulatory matters affecting the mining industry.

“The Chamber is pleased to note that the dialogue around clause 15 of the draft MRC Bill shall continue,” Zambia Chamber of Mines President Godwin Beene said.

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