The National Heart Hospital and Tokushima International Cooperation -TICO, a Japanese nongovernmental organisation, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding targeted at conducting 50 heart surgeries annually.

Speaking during the signing ceremony National Heart Hospital Senior Medical Superintendent CHABWERA SHUMBA expressed happiness that Zambian solutions are being used through various collaborations.

And TICO Director OSAMU YOSHIDA said he has a very strong team of Heart surgeons and is looking for other people to come on board in order to achieve the target of having fifty heart surgeries per year.

Meanwhile Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary LACKSON KASONKA invited other stakeholders to get on board in order to expand access to care at the National Heart Hospital.

Speaking at the same event Japanese Ambassador to Zambia RYUTA MIZUUCHI said he is cognizant that the National Heart Hospital aims to achieve excellent world class service which is possible through collaboration.

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