THE Ministry of Health says 60 per cent of the estimated 1.4 million Zambians living with HIV/AIDS are women.

The ministry however says men are dying more from the ailment due to seeking treatment at a late stage.

Ministry of Health, Health Promotions Director Kalangwa Kalangwa said 90 per cent of people in Zambia knew their HIV status and the progress towards the 95-95 95 target currently stood at 90 per cent.

Dr Kalangwa, who is also the ministry’s spokesperson, said this during a Media Science Cafe (MESICA) meeting on HIV prevention and treatment in Zambia: where the country is and what the future looks like, held in Lusaka recently.

“The country has achieved 98 per cent of its 95 per cent target of the people who know their HIV status and are on treatment. So we urge all stakeholders to work together with the community and discuss how people can protect themselves from getting HIV and how they can prevent the spread of HIV, Dr Kalangwa said.

He said the country had also made progress on the prospect of introducing an injectable Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a drug taken to prevent getting HIV through intercourse with multiple sexual partners.

Dr Kalangwa said Zambia was currently tapping into best practices from countries such as South Africa, which was currently administering the injection, before finalising on a decision.

Mr Ngosa said the country had a rich resource of health experts who could be utilised to help journalists with information on fighting against the pandemic.

He said public sensitisation was key in preventing new HIV infections and broadening the citizens’ information base on dealing with the pandemic.

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