Unionized workers at various mines awarded 10% salary increment

Unionized workers at various mines have been given 10 percent salary increments with most negotiations already completed and only NFCA, Mopani and Konkola Copper Mines remaining.

According to the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) President Saul Simujika, First Quantum Minerals (FQM) has offered a block figure of k921 across the board on gross earnings at both its mines including kansanshi while Lumwana, Luanshya Copper Mines and Sino Metals have all awarded 10 percent salary increments to employees.

Mr. Simujika explains that the 10 percent at Luanshya Copper Mines is translated into a block figure of k500 across the board and has further disclosed that Kalumbila has offered workers a 7 percent salary increment with other conditions of service attached.

And Mr. Simujika has challenged KCM to begin negotiations for salaries and conditions of service for unionized workers if, as portrayed by the Provisional Liquidator Celine Nair in her rebuttal of a joint union media statement, the mine is doing well and meeting targets.

He argues that there was no malice in the statement made to the media but that the unions are interested in a fully operational KCM in the interest of workers.

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