Health Minister Sylvia Masebo says Zambia may experience another wave of Covid-19 which is likely to be more severe than the current fourth wave.

Ms. Masebo observes that vaccines have played a big role in mitigating the impact of COVID 19.

She has reiterated her call on citizens to get vaccinated to protect themselves from severe Covid and death.

Ms. Masebo was speaking at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport -KKIA- when she received over 9-hundred thousand doses of the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccines.

The consignment is from the Governments of France and Spain under the COVAX facility.

And European Union -EU- Ambassador to Zambia Jacek Jankowski said making COVID 19 vaccines available all over the world and especially Africa, is top priority for the EU.

Mr. Jankowski has encouraged the Government to tailor the vaccination campaign by targeting the priority groups.

Meanwhile, United Nations Resident Coordinator Coumba Mar Gadio said the COVAX facility has proved to be vital against COVID-19.

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